Friday, December 14, 2012

Court Support for Joe Grumbine on 12/11/12

On the steps of the Long Beach court house for Joe Grumbine and Joe Byron December 11th, 2012. Join them again in January @ 415 W. Ocean Boulevard. 4th. Floor - Dept. C.

Free and Open to the Public.

The day started like most court support days, putting on our Sunday best, a smile, a Solidarity Ribbon, and an early start! With protest signs, banners, and great energy, the activists began their daunting job of trying to enlighten the public of the injustice happening to these two innocent people, and to the many thousands of others just like them.

Jury Nullification, "Free Joe" pleas, and No Jail for a Plant signs stomped up and down the sidewalk. Activists and protesters stopping to talk and educate anyone interested. Those that continued to go by without a glance or a question - could not avoid hearing Rory Murray's songs of injustice and their messages being sung.

Even our four legged friends know right from wrong and come out in support! Meatball is just one of our fearless K9's that fight for freedom. Come out and say hello to him, grab a brochure, or even go inside and witness the injustice happening for yourself! Many can't believe just how bad it is until they see it firsthand.

Friends and supporters from all over come to Long Beach and attempt to educate the public outside the courthouse while waiting for the 8:30 AM hearing.

Even though Joe was not released yet due to technicalities of the property bail, supporters caught a glimpse of Joe and he them as he was shuttled in and out of the courtroom in handcuffs behind his back. When Joe entered, 23 people quietly and proudly, stood up. Just like an audience must do when a judge or jury enters a room. The battle he's fighting and his stance, is that important.

Solidarity Ribbon wearers continue to make history as it was realized later, this proud act has never been done for someone being prosecuted for Cannabis, and many supporters are considering a "standing" ritual.

Joe Grumbine's every motion, everything said or whispered, indeed every movement of the judge and everyone beyond that little wall is constantly scrutinized by 10 to 30 people or more, at any given time.

costano (purposely spelled lower case because of her loathsome role) was late, and it was humorous to witness prosecutions pathetic attempts to suck up to the judge and explain why. her added weight and nerves seem to have affected her facial twitches, which were more comical and exaggerated than usual. Her sloppy appearance and poor ability to hide her depravity from the scrutiny of the audience, seems to have obvious affects every time.

As Joe stands strong and his undying supporters continue to show up, we know that the prosecution is losing, and she knows she's losing. The city of Long Beach wants blood. They've spent too much money, (upwards of over 1 million dollars to date), attempting to prosecute these TWO innocent people. They're not spending that kind of money prosecuting hundreds of rapists or drug pushers on the streets (that continue to sell to our children because of prohibition), no. And not to bad people that have hurt someone or their property.

costano and the city of Long Beach are attempting to send to jail these two caring men that followed California State laws to provide law abiding patients with their natural, legal medicine of choice.

Sometimes better known as Marijuana, Cannabis has proven to be a harmless plant with amazing medicinal properties. Marijuana and Hemp have played and continue to play great roles in the history of humanity's progress, in our religions, our medicines, our traditions, and our countries.

It was a combination of silly and sad to see Joe's glasses sliding down his nose without him being able to push them up and back into place. But he of course didn't seem to notice. Focused on this battle, nothing will stop him. Nothing will stop the wall from falling over.

The question of the day, to people like, costano, and oscar valenzuela, to Judges presiding over cases like these is: Will you be on the right side of history when the wall of prohibition falls over, or the wrong side?

Will you be proud of your accomplishments, your ill gotten battles? Will you tell your children with pride that you were the slave owners of modern times? That you were the prosecutors of innocent people, that you enjoyed locking them up? Will you share with them how families were torn apart, how you stole from them, and how you lied?

The history books will, even if you don't.

Activists and supporters from across this fine country of ours will take your hand and forgive you, we will educate you and help you to see the light. But do not reach out or ask forgiveness after the wall falls or it WILL be too late for you.

Stay tuned for video interviews with Aaron Sandusky's wife Darlene, and Roger Christie's wife, Share. Both came out in support of the Joe's when they could easily be huddled on a couch, not fighting, not standing strong, and not reaching out to those that need them. Big name "activists" dispensary managers, anyone hurt by this war, where are you? Your community needs you. Help us, help you!

Supporters with recognizable faces in this movement, help to give added coverage and attention to the victims of these trials. Ed, the "New Jersey Weedman" giving his support and Jury Nullification education to anyone that will listen, is an invaluable form of activism.

Joe Byon's cafe in Long Beach, "Egg Heaven" has been a Haven for many activists. It's here they are treated to free breakfasts for anyone wearing a Solidarity Ribbon and providing court support. Thank you for breakfast Joe Byron, the 2-2-2 combo is the bomb!


On our way home Shannon Moreno took some video of our side adventure, a flat tire on Stephanie Landa's car. After circling back and picking them up, we quickly headed straight to court support for Candace Klie, Joe Grumbine's daughter.

Candace valiantly stood up for herself. Seven of us women and one of our men (thank you Parki!) were with her as she bravely told her story while standing next to, the two very large people that physically assaulter her and a friend a few months ago. It seems there's more injustice happening to this family than any family I've ever known, I do hope you'll continue to follow this story and tell everyone you know about ending prohibition.

The war on drugs isn't about saving us, it's money and politics, and it's place in our country and our lives is eventually coming to an end. "No deal!" Stand strong and fight, we aren't criminals, and together we will end this.

If you cannot make it to court support, remember that you can help in other ways. Donations for Joe's legal defense are always appreciated. Phone calls and letters on his behalf are invaluable. Please visit to see what you can do, or donate whatever you can afford. Gas money and paying legal fees help us to continue getting to and fighting at the front lines of every battle.

Thank you for your support. In Solidarity we Stand!

No one should be in jail for a plant. No victim, no crime! Remember to pass the message of Jury Nullification whenever possible! Visit for valuable "Fully Informed Jury Nullification" information!

Next court date for Long Beach set for:
January 24th. - 8:30 AM - 415 West Ocean Blvd. Long Beach. - 4th. Floor - Dept. C

~Joe's family and friends hope that he'll be home in time for Christmas.
Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.~

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Change for Change! Car Wash Fundraiser!

The Human Solution holds a "Change for Change" Car Wash Fundraiser in Wildomar!

Willow Creek Springs was there with their wonderfully rich organic products. The Jellies are delicious and only available seasonally! Liz Grumbine's Hemp Health and Beauty products were Sold Out! 

Expect to see more gift baskets where ever you find The Human Solution, just in time for Christmas.

Bryce Abernathy Knight AND Artist, there with some amazing leather mask creations.

The ever colorful Miss Kathie Z!

Original Kathie Z Jewelry designs.

"be the solution -"

The success of the "Change for Change!" car wash was a family affair, and with all this good clean fun, easy for even the little ones to jump in!

Everyone had a good time washing the "Gary Johnson Live Free" bumper sticker found on this car!

Aliah, Megan Wright, and Mom Shannon at the helm.     JoJo scrubs to Free Grampa!

Aliah and her Aunt Candace made a great car washing team!

Then it's time for a break!

JoJo and Aliah make a friend and decide to take a coloring break! JoJo has a way with the ladies!

Joe Grumbine's grandchildren's banner reads, "No Victim, No Crime! Release Joe Grumbine! Free my Grampa!"

Next Change for Change Car Wash this Saturday!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The New Jersey Weedman comes out in support of Joe Grumbine - November 27th., 2012

Another day back in court for supporters of Joe Grumbine and Joe Byron. The days add up as Joe Grumbine remains in jail despite having a property bail worth over $4 Million available. Supporter, friend, and former congressional candidate Steve Colette stepped up to the plate as soon as he heard of his friend being taken into custody, and offered his beach home for Joe's bail. That's the day the Justice system started the foot shuffle for Joe Grumbine, recently dubbed "The White Martin Luther King" by fellow inmates.

Wife Liz Grumbine, and most activists and supporters normally there in support of the Joe's, were just waking up to the day as their friend and activist Joe Grumbine was taken back into custody. Prosecutor jody costano informed Judge Jean Arther that there was a bail violation, he immediately revoked Mr. Grumbine's bail and decided that a new bail of one quarter million dollars, was justified, and Joe was gone.

"We knew something was different when we saw the undercover officer oscar valenzuela and numerous agents, uniformed law enforcement, and extra security standing by in an unusual attendance." said daughter Shannon Moreno, now aptly standing in her father's foot steps and taking the reigns of leading the many supporters of her father and the movement.

Later in the week after haven been taken into custody with the new bail of an unheard of $250,000, supporters inside the courtroom listen as the prosecution informs the judge that he could not actually hear the bail trial because it was "out of his jurisdiction, and that it belonged in the jurisdiction of the Appellate court" said jodi costano.

Judge Jean Arther is quoted by one of the supporters to have then asked the prosecution, "Well...what do I do now?" To which he took her advice and placed Joe back into custody and closed the day's proceedings. 20 plus supporters walked out in disgust and confusion after no news and not even getting a glimpse of their friends face.

2 weeks have now passed and Joe remains in jail. Last heard Joe was in good spirits although sick and need of antibiotics but was being denied medical attention. Our tax dollars at work. Next court hearing Dec. 11th. at 415 West Ocean Blvd. in Long Beach, California. 4th. Floor. and in front of the courthouse on the sidewalk with activists and protesters as they support Joe Grumbine and Joe Byron in their battle for freedom.

Emotions ran high for everyone involved. Many supporters are tired from lack of sleep, worried what will happen to their friend, to themselves, and to others they love. If even a slight justice is served, Joe Grumbine will be released on bail soon, good news for him and his family especially as the holidays get closer and closer.

Uninformed juries seem incapable of understanding that they can judge the law itself, that they don't have to be coerced by the judge and others (typically the prosecution) to judge the person or the evidence, that it's actually the law itself they can judge. Judge the law without fear of persecution, no juror can be punished for their vote. If you don't agree with the law, vote not guilty, it's your right to do so.

Jurors have all the power. Judge the law as well as what's being tried as a "crime." Not just the "crime" and the evidence presented. Is the law good? Does anyone deserve to go to jail for violating this law? Judge the law itself, that's the juror's ultimate power. "No victim, No crime." Chant the supporters. for more information on how to be a fully informed juror, and not be manipulated by our "justice" system.

The blind lead the blind, meet friend and supporter Kyle and Bill. Both physically blind but sighted enough to see injustice. They travel by bus and train to support their friend Joe Grumbine. In the background is wife of Aaron Sandusky, recently found guilty by a jury of his peers and sentenced to 10 years for following California State laws and legally growing and supplying sick people with medical marijuana.

As an impromptu parade was started, blind and wheelchair bound supporters proudly sang, held banners, and chanted up and down the sidewalks of Ocean Blvd.

Banners were hand made in an effort to educate the public regarding their power as a Juror.

Strangers walking by that supported the message of Jury Nullification and that of ending the drug war stopped to have their pictures taken with the proud paraders.

Tom Kikuchi, one of the leading horticulturists in the Medical Marijuana field, is seen leading the parade of Joe Grumbine and Byron supporters across Ocean Blvd. He served over 4 years in a federal prison for legally growing medical marijuana in northern California for Medical Marijuana patients.
The Parade ended at The New Jersey Weedman's Van.


It's here that The New Jersey Weedman and I were able to talk a little about his recent Jury trial, how he got a 12-1 verdict of "Not Guilty" by speaking directly to the jury and expressing to them the concept of Jury Nullification.

The Solidarity Ribbon was started by Joe Grumbine and his organization,

Meet, Jury Nullification Man. Aka, The NJ Weedman. Sponsors for his venture are humbly being accepted right now. Please contact Catrina Coleman at if you would like to sponsor Jury Nullification Man, and/or for more information. Please visit for jury information and education! Got Jury Duty? Congratulations, you have all the Power!